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Today our topic was on communicable diseases. We were welcomed by Mr Hasan Abidin the person in charge of CDC & NCDC. He briefed us on this topic, basically CDC have 2 PPKPK but when there is outbreak other units join to assist. He then introduced us to Mr.Ooi Teak Look, the person in charge of CDC (except TB and HIV). Mr Ooi explained to us about the notifiable cases within 24 hours, and notifiable cases with or without specimen. He also said that if the doctor fail to notify a case, they will be compound a maximum of RM1000 but only 1 doctor has been compound RM10 so far. He then told us the most prevalence disease in kota star is HFMD (hand foot and mouth disease) which hit a total of 800 cases in 2009 and 659 cases in 2008.
At about 9.45am our group facilitator Dr.Kay came to review about our topics for the past days. She guided us on how to probe questions to get more info and emphasized on the importance of each and every topics.
After 20mins of meeting with Dr.Kay, we continued our session with Mr.Ooi. He further explained to us on outbreak investigations and notification chart. He also showed us the e-notification system for kota star district.
We were then briefed by a assisting nurse Sister Salma Roshida from the HIV division at 12.15pm. She showed us the notification form and the rapid test kit. The routine HIV screening test is compulsory for donated blood, inmates of drug rehabilitation and correctional institution, high risk prisoners and antenatal mothers attending government antenatal clinic. One of our group member ranjeetha volunteered to try the rapid test kit for HIV to experience how it is being performed.
Our day ended at 3pm after waiting for other CDC person in charge but the session were postponed on Sunday.